Thursday 22 September 2011

Why Now is the Best Time to Buy Scottsdale Real Estate

As a real estate agent, I am often asked when would be the best time to buy a Scottsdale real estate. Many believe that waiting until next year is a good move because they have this notion that prices for real estate are bound to get lower next year. However as a real estate agent, this might be a risky decision. Often, the best time to invest in a house or property is now. Why?

First of all, there are already exceptional values of Paradise Valley real estate that if you wait until next year, somebody else might buy the property you are eyeing for. Most financial institutions are also offering low monthly payments now with also very low interest rates. If you combine all of these together, then waiting for another year just doesn’t make sense. We never know what will happen with the prices or when will the prices go up again. Since now is the lowest price ever, then why not take advantage of it.

One way to determine if it is right for you to check on luxury homes Scottsdale to purchase is to ask yourself a question. Are you ready to invest now? Will your financial loan get approved? Do you think that the price of your current home will rise or go down during the time that you plan to buy a luxury home? What if the price of the home you are hoping to buy does go down but the interest rate will go up? If this happens, even if the house you are planning to buy is priced lower, you can expect your monthly mortgage to be higher because of the higher interest rate. So in the end, waiting for another year is not just worth it.

If you are still skeptical that now is the right time to buy Scottsdale luxury condos, then consider talking to some honest real estate agents that will help you make the decision. This is where Nates Estates comes in. We just don’t say thing because it benefits our company but we take our clients best interest at heart. We believe that developing a good business relationship with our clients is better than making a sale. In the end, both you and our company would benefit. You can get to know more about what we offer and how we can help you when you visit our website at

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